My Inner Critic Freddy
Although I prefer not to think that Freddy is an essential part of me, he doesn't easily go away and tends to show up frequently, especially during moments of self-doubt or insecurity.
Freddy tends to focus on flaws, mistakes, or perceived shortcomings, often exaggerating them and making them seem more significant than they are.
Freddy doesn't hold back in his critiques and can be relentless in pointing out perceived failures or inadequacies.
However, Freddy’s criticisms sometimes provide valid insights and warnings.
A shrink once told me, “Acknowledging Freddy's occasional accuracy can foster a more balanced perspective on your inner dialogue. Rather than dismissing him entirely, you can learn to discern when his feedback is constructive and when it's overly harsh or unfounded.”
I’m trying to live a balanced life. That’s all I can say about our relationship.